Advertising Specifications
Please ask for dimensions for custom adverts on editorial pages.
File format
- PDF version 1.3 or higher. PDF files must be supplied as CMYK process only, without ICC profiles (No spot, RGB, LAB or solid pantone colours should be used).
- Your PDF files must be supplied as single pages.
- Pages must be created to include bleed when required.
- Crop marks must be included to show trim marks. A 3mm offset is recommended for bleed.
- Your PDF files must contain all images in high resolution, CMYK format and have all fonts embedded.
- Avoid logos or images from websites, as the resolution will be 72dpi, i.e. too low for printing purposes.
- Fonts should be PostScript type 1. We cannot guarantee that Opentype or MultipleMaster fonts will print correctly.
- Your PDF files should be run through a flightchecking application before transmission to ensure file and colour integrity.
- Content of digital files be verified before transmission, and all relevant graphics and fonts must be included. The file content remains the responsibility of the sender.
- No finished artwork can be accepted as a Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Corel Draw, MS Publisher or PageMaker file.
PDF Pre-flight
- The flightchecking application must ensure the following :-
- PDF version 1.3 or higher
- Image resolution 300 dpi (minimum)
- All fonts embedded
- CMYK colour
- File names should include: Advertiser, Publication and Issue Date
- A proof must be supplied of digital file submitted (i.e. the PDF), and should be 100% of final size. The proof being supplied must be generated from the PDF.
- For colour – Cromlain or equivalent must be supplied.
For more information on our Advertising specifications please view our Media Pack here
Last edited: 16th October 2015
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